The Timeline


This is a very condensed and brief summary of the full length timeline from Book One of the fictional Blue Book of Upadaria. The full extended version of the historical timeline written from the futuristic perspective of 2147AD is available by purchasing the The Blue Book of Upadaria.

The 2020s to early 2030s were a period of growth for Upadaria as The Society was established around the world. During this time the US, EU, West Africa, India, and southwest Asia regions saw the most development and growth for the The Society.

The lawful and peaceful achievement of various forms of autonomy in North America happened through laws passed by Congress in the USA. Autonomy was not necessarily the primary aim of the pioneers of Upadaria. It was, rather, a consequence of unplanned events and unforeseen forces.


The original written manuscripts of what would become the Blue Book of Upadaria were written in Shermansdale, Pennsylvania, USA by the First Regent / First Founder.

A brief timeline of events - eventual and foreseen - in 1982:
These events happened generally in the "order" they were foreseen, and most happened within a few years of the actual year of when they were seen to have happen.

  1. Reunification of Germany
  2. Collapse of the Soviet Union, independence of many Republics - including the Baltic Republics and Ukraine
  3. Breakup of Yugoslavia
  4. NATO bombing of Belgrade
  5. The period of inter-regnum: The United States of America's material golden age - without an existential threat, scandals of the day seem frivolous
  6. Rising nationalism and identity-based politics
  7. The United States of America & Coalition attack of Babylon - the USA & Coalition are humbled - the war aims are not achieved in the long-run and it is viewed as a failure - even perpetuating the circumstances
  8. Political polarization intensification
  9. New technologies are birthed with the ability to generate local and individual autonomy
  10. Growth of Government
  11. The sociocultural institutions degradation - family and church fail in corruption
  12. The Karen win freedom, remaining a part of Burma
  13. Population replenshiment - the seeds to replace populations in Europe with people from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are sowed
  14. Extremism in The United States of America - clusters of leftist authoritarians and rightist identitarians become entrenched

The Pre-Upheaval

The Beta version of the Blue Book was published in 2017. Written futuristically, it describes the two year pre-upheaval (which actually happened about three years after it was predicted to happen.) Here is a quote from the beta version:

"During this period, the first upheaval occurs which historians now see as leading to the final crisis in the West. Political and economic indicators throughout the West worried many at the time and led to open talk of things like civil war and the collapse of the current system. But the final collapse did not happen."

The pre-upheaval would prove to be a global event that does significant economic damage over a period of about two years because of the national debt incurred, destruction of small businesses, and the transfer of assets and property around the world. Because of the near-miss, peoples become receptive to the new ideals of Upadaria and other emerging modalities.


The Blue Book of Upadaria is Published and the Upadaria Virtual Nation Platform was launched


North American society largely stabilized as a progressive consensus began to emerge. Upadarians were left alone as things became difficult for many traditionalists, fundamentalists, Christians, and Believers in general by 2030.

Distributed Cities of Riqueday and Novazzia were founded.

The Society became a Non-Governmental Organization which was eventually enhanced with a new form of alternative sovereignty based on socio-cultural self-determination in which national peoples became domestic nations.

The international NGO was established to help persecuted Christian Believers and refugees. It's activities included planting global support hubs as missions or embassies which grew into small communities that over time developed into full-fledged private cities with charters from their host governments.

The NGO was given observer status in the UN. Over 30 countries containing a Branch Society had either tribal or domestic nation status. The main hubs in these countries were given autonomous status making them private Upo cities.

In the United States, over 120 hubs received reservation status. The number of Americans identifying with the Upadarian nationality were around 10 million - another 12 million used the term Upo-American. There were over 40 million subscribers to the Upadaria Platform.


A Upadarian missionary and refugee hub was established, made up of a village of 120 staff members and a few thousand refugees on the border of Liberia and Ivory Coast. The name of this facility is Ghanibo - named as such to reflect the two groups mostly represented in the refugee population.


Through this decade, Social Moderates aligned with the more radical authoritarians, emphasizing agendas like anti-capitalism in the new Social Republic and other countries.


Two major Upadarian hubs were established - Hainan Island, China and the UAE. The Hainan Island hub became a city of refuge with special status in exchange for providing aid to the whole of Hainan Island and neighboring mainland during a period of economic duress. This hub is named Tchientao.

In the United Arab Emirate (UAE) the Upo hub was named Itibani. It became an Emirate within the UAE and gained a place in government.

The Upadarian Commonwealth of America was given Domestic nation Status with 18 of its main hubs receiving reservation status.

Twenty-three City Hubs of 300-500 square miles each were established by this time that were both members of The Upadarian Commonwealth of America and autonomous territories of The Upadarian Commonwealth.


The Upadarian Society in Europe was granted Reservation Status for lands owned by the Land Trust. Similarly in the same year, Riqueday in Europe was made a co-principality with France and Germany holding shared sovereignty.

The last free election in the United States for Federal offices was held in 2032. The newly elected seemed to unify the country, offering concessions to all. The result was a national rallying and resurgence that was paid for through debt spending.

*Concurrently, during late 2020s and early 2030s the Upadarian meshnet system was developed and implemented to form secure, encrypted comms between members.


The UN granted the NGO special status with direct autonomy for its global hubs - 34+ locations with 120+ subsidiary sites possessing degrees of internal autonomy based on charters.

In the United States, the Upadarian Commonwealth eCitizens of the Upadaria Platform were made citizens of The Upadarian Commonwealth but retained US citizenship. All lands in the UPO Land Trust were given embassy, consular, or reservation status. After that, no new lands could be added and fitted Upadaria Platform subscribers could not become joint citizens of Upadaria and America.

In the same year, a regional Compact between local governments within the territory served by The Crown Regency of Upadaria was formed. It was named The Regional Compact of the Crown Regency of Upadaria. Similar Compacts corresponding to the other regional-to-territorial chapter organizations of The Upadarian Society of America were formed throughout the northeast where Upadarians were strongest in number.

As a world depression deepened, the UN and many countries recognized The Society and its virtual Commonwealth as an enhanced NGO with special sovereignty. The Commonwealth was granted international protection and recognition for its direct sovereignty on the primary lands they held - including the world headquarters on Anticosti Island, the regal Protectorates, and the 17 Charter Cities, which became Crown Principalities of the 17 Missionary Tribes.


Twenty-three hubs in the United States averaging 250 square miles each were formally made part of the international NGO and were considered independent territory. Despite this, the border between Upo lands and the rest of the United States remained open giving United States citizens the ability to become residents. Upadarian citizens in these hubs also retained US citizenship.

The EU gave The Upadarian Society of Europe special internal status, with a local membership of 7 million and over 35 million more subscribers to the Upadaria Platform. Riqueday in Europe was granted Co-Principality status - Germany and France shared sovereignty. The larger Regency beyond the core city remained a Chapter organization for The Upadarian Society of Europe.

In Scotland and Northern Ireland, The Upadarian Society grew to include over 30% of the population as subscribers to the Platform with over 3 million Upadarian Peers in Scotland and 700,000 Peers in Northern Ireland. The growth was coincident with a major spiritual revitalization. The UK granted internal autonomy to 37 Upadarian charter communities averaging 2 square miles each in Scotland and 17 smaller, 400-acre communities in Northern Ireland.


Upadarian communities in West Africa were attacked for greater access to oil and other natural resources. The Upadarians managed an unconventional response and defeated a fleet off the coast of Biafra near Sao Tome Y Principe.


A US Constitutional amendment was passed granting The Upadarian Commonwealth of America and its distributed lands - covering a combined 30,000 square miles - 2 US Senators and 25 Representatives in an expanded Senate and House. 25 Domestic nations represented indigenous tribes and major ethnic groups. Other measures included 100 special Senatorial Districts.

The Crown Republic of Novazzia formed a Compact with most of the county and city governments in its service area.

The Upadarian Society of America was granted domestic nation status. The core hubs of Upadaria, including 20 villages, the main hub, and 120 Estates (Villas) were given some form of reservation status.

The 17 Upadarian Tribes became UN Observers - members of The International Upadarian Commonwealth (later named The Crown Commonwealth of Upadaria). Their hubs became independent or autonomous Crown Principalities while affiliated charter communities became part of their respective Kingdoms.

The Crown Republics of Liberia, Biafra, and Brabandt (former Belize) joined The Upadarian Commonwealth as independent landed sovereignties, the first of this status to join. The Upadarian Kingdom of Ghanibo became independent.


A new Social Republic with a new constitution was declared by Congress in America, and the Washington District of Columbia was renamed. Believers and Free Conservatives began to be outrightly persecuted - some were martyred. Some sought sanctuary in Upadarian communities which the new Social Republic refrained from entering. The remaining territorial chapters in the northeast formed Compacts with governments in their coverage areas.

Congress abolishes States and state government and establishes federal districts. Domestic nations and Districts continued to send Senators and Representatives.

The US House of Representatives was expanded to include 1000 Representatives from Federal Districts which crossed former state lines and 200 more from Domestic nations, of which 25 were for Upadarians. The Senate was expanded to 150 Senators., 100 from new Federal Senatorial Districts, and 50 from the 25 Domestic nations, which included the UCA.

While the climate in the United States of America became increasingly authoritarian and hostile to Christian Believers in a general sense, The Society continued to receive favor and fair treatment from the Federal Government because they were known for their ability and willingness to help meet local needs with sustainable methods of providing shelter, food production, manufacturing, crisis preparedness, local security and help with refugees among many other things which were valued by society and government in general.

This period exhibited the first stages of the actual collapse of the financial system.


All 17 Kingdoms also became members of the UN along with the Kingdoms of Novazzia, Prussia, and Ecklesion and The Principality of Bethadon.


All the Upadarian Regal protectorates and charter cities for the 17 Missionary Tribes had some form autonomous status. Many countries, including the United States of America allowed all eCitizens of the Upadarian Virtual Commonwealth to opt in to become dual citizens of The Upadarian Commonwealth and their home country. As noted, after this period of free entry, future eCitizens were not automatically given citizenship status. As the spiritual climate continued to evolve, prudent measures were instituted to preserve the freedoms previously established and currently upheld.

Upadarian communities previously granted reservation status gained internal consular status and were called consular communities.


A series of rebellions and uprisings shook America. Upadarians did not participate in these, and progressed peacefully toward expanded autonomy through the legislative process.


Tensions became more alarming and pervasive. The new Social Republic requested aid from the UN. The UN agreed to supply peacekeepers - led by Russia, China, and France, with help from Korea, Mexico, and Canada.

The Social Republic soon realized that the three major powers behind this effort (Russia, China, and France) had forged an agreement to occupy the United States and divide it into various zones of control.


The full timeline in the BLUE BOOK of UPADARIA is very hope filled and reveals the progression of events from this point forward leading into the "Golden Age of the Upadarian Civilization." It is available for purchase by clicking here.